The aim of LDS Kindle Books is two-fold:

The aim of LDS Kindle Books is two-fold:
  1. Provide free LDS books to Kindle owners

  2. Alert Kindle owners about new LDS books available in Kindle format.

The types of FREE publications include Gospel resources published by in Kindle compatible formats, LDS General Conference talks, and LDS books which are free from copyright.

Linked books generally include publications from Deseret Book released for the Kindle or books by LDS authors produced by other publishers.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Interesting Study of General Conference Talks

Through an interesting article published at, I learned about a gathering of General Conference talks available at

As we look forward to our Kindle versions of General Conference, we can review the trends over the past decades. I tried a number of different words and observed that in-line with the best motivation for living the gospel, the use of the word "love" has increased over the decades.

I hope that we all will be motivated to serve the Lord out of love!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Jason,
Do you know when you'll have April 2011 conference for the Kindle?