The aim of LDS Kindle Books is two-fold:

The aim of LDS Kindle Books is two-fold:
  1. Provide free LDS books to Kindle owners

  2. Alert Kindle owners about new LDS books available in Kindle format.

The types of FREE publications include Gospel resources published by in Kindle compatible formats, LDS General Conference talks, and LDS books which are free from copyright.

Linked books generally include publications from Deseret Book released for the Kindle or books by LDS authors produced by other publishers.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Opt in to Kindle Special Offers?

3rd and 4th generation Kindle owners who are curious about Special Offers may be able to opt in to  Special Offers according to
The Kindle 3 (Kindle Keyboard) definitely works, and all newer devices should handle it without any trouble.  If you haven’t had a chance before now to check out the options, it might be worth a try.  Just today I’ve seen a couple tempting ones flipping my Kindle off and on.  I especially recommend if you are in an area covered by the AmazonLocal deals.  Amazon is clearly not pushing people into this, nor do they make it hard to change your mind.  If there’s value to be found, why waste the opportunity?
It's too bad I have a 2nd generation or else I would be looking through the options right now!

1 comment:

D said...

I tried this and it works.